Youth Project

NCP Youth is a youth project that aims to identify the challenges and issues migrant youth face in Ireland. The main activity of NCP Youth is to facilitate the English Homework Club in supporting and assisting migrant children in primary and secondary schools to achieve their full potential, have the same opportunities as their Irish peers, to better integrate into the school system and to prevent early school leaving.

The programme links volunteer teachers with primary and secondary schools in Dublin to provide weekly English Language and homework support to migrant children from non-English speaking families. The schools involved are providing our project volunteers with the adequate space for the delivery of the English Homework Club. 

Project’s aims: 

  • To support students from migrant backgrounds to understand, build confidence and perform better in school through additional necessary English Language support.
  • To improve the performance of migrant children at school through homework tuition and mentoring.
  • To assist on one-on-one students who may have specific English Language challenges with their schoolwork.
  • To support schools to educate children from non-English speaking families.
  • To support the engagement between migrant parents and school teachers.
  • To encourage schools to celebrate diversity.
  • To provide volunteer teachers with an opportunity for professional experience.

Since starting the project after the successful pilot in September 2017, we have been working with 7 Dublin Inner City primary and secondary schools. In each academic year we have been supporting 140 students with the help of 25 carefully chosen Garda vetted and trained volunteers (NCP’s Child Protection and Cultural Awareness trainings).

This programme is a huge benefit to the children and the schools they attend, but it also benefits the volunteers, often student teachers, who work with us. We provide those volunteers with an opportunity to gain professional experience working in schools and with students from different cultures and ethnicities.



The programme is funded by Department of Justice and Equality