Want to Give Your Unwanted Items a Second Life?
26 October 2012

NewCel is a new Green Social Enterprise co-ordinated by New Communities Partnership. The mission of NewCel is to provide individuals and families with an easy and eco-friendly option to get rid of unwanted items. By helping us, we can help others. All proceeds go towards our children's English language and homework support programmes at primary school level.
Why NewCel?
We are concerned about how our waste and unwanted items fills up valuable space and we are thinking about how our simple actions as trustee of the earth can make a difference in Ireland. By diverting these items from wasting in landfills, we contribute to making the world a better place for all of us and the future generation.
How do we do this?
We collect your unwanted items and up-cycle them, thereby giving them a second life and making Ireland a better and cleaner place for people to live. By doing this, we also hope to generate jobs in Ireland.
Why get involved?
Give your unwanted items a second life - divert clothes, furniture, electrical goods, bicycles from sitting in landfills in Ireland. Your participation in this initiative will significantly help to meet our fundraising goals for our educational programmes in primary schools.
How to donate?
Simple. Just CONTACT US and we collect your donations.
Contact: Tony Foran, NewCel: 089 4952330. - getinvolved@newcommunities.ie