Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

08 July 2016

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme focuses on reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion and equality through local and regional engagement and collaboration. Its vision is to improve the life chances and opportunities of those who are marginalised in society, living in poverty or in unemployment through community development approaches like involvement of migrants at all levels in society.
The service was established in April 2015 and is funded by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG), European Social Fund (ESF) through POBAL.

All SICAP supports are FREE and confidential. The service is available in Dublin Inner City and Greater Dublin Area, for migrants.

What can we offer?

For Individuals
• Helpline.
• Drop in Clinics.
• Advocacy.
• Referral to external support services.
• Learning supports (including referrals to English language
classes and computer classes)
• Referral to courses for new skills and adult education.
• Community assistance clinics (including rights and
entitlements, information and advocacy)
• CV writing clinics and mock interviews and/or referrals to

Adult education services for upskilling.
For Groups

• Group formation.
• Capacity building.
• Training for increased group efficiency.
• Facilitating involvement at local and regional decision making
• Offering a communal office space for migrant led groups.

For further information please contact:
DUBLIN - NCP Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme
Tel: 01 872 7842