Public Information Session - Migrant Access Programme
11 May 2017

We are delighted to announce that NCP in collaboration with Mendicity Institution is having a Public Information Session on Wednesday, 24th of May at 11am in Balbriggan (Cairde office) as part of Migrant Access Programme (MAP) for unemployed migrants in need of support.
MAP is a newly set-up training and information programme to support people from new communities who are looking for a job by providing them with the necessary skills and information to access Irish labour market.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in learning more about the Irish Labour Market, employment rights and entitlements and also get information on existing support services available please contact us to register. (Places are limited and pre-registration is essential).
More public information sessions will follow throughout the year nationwide.
If you would like to get more information about courses and dates available, please call us: 01 872 78 42 or email or visit our website