NCP Works with Northern Ireland Government to Facilitate Greater Involvement of BME's in Civic Life
21 November 2012

Northern Ireland draws on the experience of black & ethnic minority networks from Southern Ireland to facilitate greater involvement of people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in Northern Ireland's civic, community and political life and to increase community cohesion.
New Communities Partnership will join MLA's, PSNI and others to lead the 'Challenge of Change' a two day event for black and minority ethnic communities as well as statutory and voluntary sector organisations working in Northern Ireland, 16 - 17November 2012.
The purpose of the event is to help people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds to get more involved in civic, community and political life in Northern Ireland and to promote the benefits of establishing a networking forum for black and minority ethnic communities.
Date: Friday 16 & Saturday 17 November, 2012
Venue: Ramada Encore, Belfast.
For More Information Contact: Kate Bingham, Challenge of Change - or 00 44 2830 313167