Marriages of convenience crackdown underway

27 November 2015

Gardaí have seized cash, false identity documentation and electronic storage devices in on-going investigations into marriages of convenience across the country.

More than 40 residential and business premises across the State have been raided by about 200 gardaí in a crackdown on criminal gangs arranging sham marriages.

An operation set up in August has identified a number of criminal networks based in Ireland and the UK who are facilitating these marriages by providing false information and documentation to marriage registrars.

Gardaí say these networks are “exploiting the asylum and immigration system” and “gleaning huge profits by organising residency status for non-EU nationals through these marriages of convenience”.

Legislation enacted on August 18th gives marriage registrars new powers to consider whether a union is one of convenience, i.e entered into for immigration advantages.


Link to full article can be found here