Information Day for New Communities

28 April 2016


"Great services, great attendance and a lot of buzz"

New Communities Partnership, the umbrella organisation working with and for the benefits of migrants in Ireland, supported by Dublin City Council, Social Inclusion Unit, organised Information Day for New Communities in Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council on the 23rd of April 2016.

The aim of the event was to bring as many relevant service providers for migrants together in order to keep them better informed and supported. The services were from a broad range such as health, employment, education and many more. By bringing those service providers together in the same space, we have achieved two outcomes:

  • Create awareness about services supporting new communities. By creating awareness, members of the new communities were informed and empowered to use the services those organisations offer, in order to alleviate some of the challenges they face.

  • Providing networking opportunities for the services themselves about what other services are available in the sector, in order to promote an integrated and collaborative approach in working with migrants.

With over 20 Service Providers present and over 100 visitors in the short time that the event took place, the event was a complete success. Feedback from the new communities members was very positive, a lot of information for community leaders and individuals to be brought back into their communities. The Service Providers themselves were delighted with the new contacts they made on the day and the general feeling was that the new information they now have would help them to assist their clients better.

We would like to thank all service providers, members of the new communities and Irish people who participated at our Information Day for New Communities. We would like to thank Dublin City Council and Social Inclusion Unit for their support and contribution in making the first edition of this event very successful.

See you all soon!

Anca Lupu, GM & NCP Team


Check out our photos from the event here