Government Supports available to assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

24 February 2015

There are more than 80 significant Government supports available to assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in starting and growing their businesses but it seems that many businesses, which could benefit from the scheme are not aware that there is valuable support available. is an initiative of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation aimed at addressing the information gap. The 12-month campaign started on Monday and there are a number of different elements providing simple information on available supports and leading users to the “Supporting SMEs” online guide: –


There is a list of organisations which can provide support to SMEs and new startups.   The current list is given below but, as this list will be
updated, interested persons should check for the latest information at the second link below: -
                Arts Council
                Bord Bia
                Bord Iascaigh Mhara
                Cork Business Innovation Centre
                Credit Review Office
                Culture Ireland
                Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
                Department of Finance
                Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation
                Department of Social Protection
                Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
                Dublin Business Innovation Centre
                Enterprise Europe Network
                Enterprise Ireland
                Fáilte Ireland
                Irish Film Board
                Local Enterprise Office
                Microfinance Ireland
                National Pensions Reserve Fund / Ireland Strategic
               Investment Fund
                South East Business Innovation Centre
                Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
                Údarás na Gaeltachta
                WestBIC (Business Innovation Centre)
                Western Development Commission

For the campaign news link visit: