Free Dublin North East Inner City GP Medical Service for Migrants
16 August 2013

Free Dublin North East Inner City GP Medical Service opens in Dublin for migrant adults and children who ahve difficulty accessing medical care, including individuals with low / no income, and those who are without or are ineligible for, a medical card.
Who Are We?
The Cathedral Clinic aims to provide a free general practice medical service to migrant adults and children who have difficulty accessing medical care, including individuals with low / no income, and those who are without or are ineligible for, a medical card.
The clinic will be staffed by two qualified doctors in their final year of General Practice Specialist Training. It will be supervised by Dr Austin O’ Carroll GP.
The clinic forms part of the Safetynet Service and will be run in conjunction with a number of agenicies including the North Dublin City GP Training Programme (NDCGP), Young People at Risk (YPAR) and Pavee Point.
Where is the Clinic Located?
The Cathedral Clinic is located at Crosscare, 1 Cathedral Street, Dublin 1(behind the Spire on O'Connell St)
Hours of Operation
Every Wednesday from 14:00 – 16:00 beginning 21st August 2013. The service will operate by appointment initially.
How do I make an appointment?
Tel 01 8726775 or 01 8732844
Please note that this phone is staffed by a non-medically trained member of staff and should be used for appointment purposes only.
For queries relating to the service please email us at We aim to reply to your query within 7 days.
What services do we provide?
- Basic medical care for children and adults
- Referral to specialist medical services if required
- Cervical Smear tests
- Antenatal Care
- Post natal care for mother and baby
- Childhood Immunisations
- Basic Mental Health Care
Unfortunately we are unable to provide the following services:
- Addiction Services
- Prescriptions for Methadone/ Benzodiazepines /Sleeping Tablets/ Mirtazepine (Zispin) and related medications/Pregabalin (Lyrica)/ Nutritional Supplement (Ensure/Fortisip and related supplements)
Contact Us: by email at