Dublin Intercultural Liaison Volunteers Network Seminar
11 June 2013

Intercultural Liaision Volunteers from Fingal, South County Dublin and Dublin City Councils come together in a learn from your peers network seminar, Mon 17 June 2013.
The Intercultural Liaison Volunteers are thirds country nationals from selected local authority housing estates who facilitate cross cultural communication among diverse communities.
The introduction of Intercultural Liaison Volunteers is one of a series of actions in a three year plan 'Promoting Civic Participation of Third Country Nationals' under which the four Dublin local authorities ( Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council & South Dublin County Council) will assist in enabling third country nationals to establish a foothold in and integrate with Irish society
Location: Wynns Hotel, Abbey St, Dublin 1
Date: Monday 17 June 9.30 am - 2 pm
For further information contact: Marguerite@newcommunities.ie