Current NCP Members
Current NCP Member Organisations
Scroll down to learn more about each of our member organisations.
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Please note, NCP acts a network of independent member groups. We do not provide any direct funding to any of the members listed below. The views of each individual group are their own. Views expressed by member groups do not necessarily represent or reflect those of New Communities Partnership.
Afghan Community and Cultural Association Of Ireland

The Afghan Community and Cultural Association of Ireland, which was founded in 2001, is one of NCP's earliest member groups. It works to promote positive integration and inclusion of the Afghan people in Ireland and to support all Afghans living in Ireland.
The mission of the Afghan Community of Ireland is multifaceted. It aims:
- To be active in cultural exchange nationally and internationally
- To act on behalf of Afghans living in Ireland
- To assist refugees and asylum seekers
- To establish cultural links with all appropriate organisations in Ireland and abroad
- To publish materials relating to the Afghan culture in Irish society
- To be active in integration drives and activities
About the Afghan Community's Chairperson and Published Materials
Sharing the history and culture of Afghanistan and its people is of great importance to the chairperson of the Afghan Community of Ireland, Nasruddin Saljuqi. Mr. Saljuqi, who studied literature at Kabul University, is the author of several about Afghan history, culture and Afghani people. Ten of these books were prepared in Ireland and Iran and have been published in English and Persian. Two of his books were published in English and launched in Dublin. These are:
Afghanistan Through the Mirror, A Photographic History From 1839 to 2014, a book that details the history of Afghanistan through photography, including through photographs taken by Irish photographer John Burke who immigrated to Afghanistan in 1879
From Dunbura to Guitar: The Diaspora of Afghan Musicians, a vital resource for anyone who is interested in the music and history of the Afghan culture
Mr. Saljuqi has also worked as a translator for other texts about Afghanistan, including Music of Afghanistan: Professional Musicians in the city of Herat, a work compiled by Professor John Baily and translated and footnoted in Persian by Mr. Saljuqi.
Mr. Saljuqi has also been a featured contributor and speaker at universities, discussing Afghanistan history, culture, and arts. If you would like to invite Mr. Saljuqi to speak at your event or educational institute, please contact him through the Afghan Community of Ireland email address:
Get in Touch
The Afghan Community of Ireland is open to Afghani people across Ireland who wish to join. It is also interested in hearing from other groups or in speaking to the media about Afghan culture, music, history and people.
You can contact the organisation by email at; by phone on (085) 711 8340 or (01) 844 7485; on their website at or on Facebook at
If you would like to get in touch with Nasruddin Saljuqi, you can find him on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet in Ireland

Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet in Ireland is a dancing group whose members are from Bolivia and other countries. The group, which was founded in 2015, was formed because of the passion its founders have for the diversity and culture of Bolivia. Its mission is to promote Bolivian culture through the medium of traditional Bolivian dances.
This group is open to anyone who likes to dance and who wants to learn about Bolivian dance. What does traditional Bolivian dance look like? You can check out a performance by Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet in Ireland by clicking here.
About Bolivian Dance
Bolivian traditional dance takes many forms and Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet performs a wide variety of Bolivian dances. These include the following:
Tinkus is an Andean ritual and folk dance of Potosi, Bolivia. The meaning of the word Tinkus in Quechua is "meeting" and in Aymara means “fight”. This dance was born of the representation of a ceremonial ritual conducted by the indigenous communities of Northern Potosí. Nowadays Tinku is danced in different events and festivities in Bolivia, especially in the Carnival of Oruro.
Saya Caporal is a folk dance of Bolivia, which was inspired by the character of Caporal ("foreman") of slaves during the Spanish conquest. The Caporal was usually of mixed race. The dance has strong African roots and the style is typical of the Los Yungas, in the department of La Paz.
The Cueca is a musical genre and a dance of loose mixed couples. The dancers, who carry a handkerchief in his right hand, draw circular shapes, with turns and half turns, interrupted by various flirts. Depending on the type of cueca represented, costumes can be changed.
The Morenada (Dance of the Black Slaves) is a music and dance style from the Bolivian Andes characterised by a mixture of African and indigenous elements. The most commonly shared theory says that the dance was inspired by the sufferings of the African slaves brought to Bolivia in order to work in the Silver Mines of Potosí.
The Tobas is a folk dance from Bolivia. The folkloric dance of the Tobas speaks of the ancient past of Bolivia. It has roots in a time when the Incas were the predominant force in the Andean highlands region. Tobas is an athletic dance comprising agile steps accentuated with many jumps and bounds.
Yarituses is a dance that recalls the adoration of the ostrich gods and the devotion to the two key characters in Christian evangelisation, San Pedro and San Pablo. The image of the ostrich was related to the astral constellation of the Southern Cross, the protector of these natives. They are the Yarithuses, who accompany the saints in a sample of the syncretism of the evangelisation of the missionaries in the eighteenth century and the continuity of the Franciscans in these times.
Arete means "time of harvest and production." It is a sacred ritual equivalent to the Pachamama cult of the Andean cultures. It has to do strictly with the gratitude to "Mother Nature." The dancers use in their dances a carved mask of white wood (Yuchan - "Palo Borracho") that fulfills the function of protecting the face of the dancer in the encounter with the soul of the dead that occurs in special passages of this celebration. The form or motive of a mask is directly related to the intention or identification of its holder.
The Taquirari is a folk music rhythm and a dance from Bolivia, traditional to the eastern part of the country. To dance Taquirari, the couple must face each other and with their hands clasped. The jumps are marked by a moved rhythm, and forming common figures such as:
- Holding hands, face to face, the couple swirls on one side and then on the other;
- Hooks: Crossing the right arm and with opposite fronts, the couple turns in a whirlpool; they change the arm and then they turn in the opposite direction;
- Wheel: Couples form a wheel, interspersed and holding hands, move in both directions. In one jump they raise their hands and in another they lower them;
- Viborite: Holding hands, couples break the wheel and move in zig zag figures carried by the head.
Contact Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet
Though this group is based in Dublin, it is open to anyone in Ireland who wishes to join in and participate. Alma Boliviana also welcomes enquiries and bookings from the media, other groups who would like to partner with them, funders and anyone else who would like to know more.
You can contact the group's coordinators, Silvia Bernal and Diana Viveros, by calling (089) 427 6551 or (085) 851 0008 or by emailing
Or, you can check out more of Alma Boliviana Dance Ballet in Ireland's videos, photos and upcoming events by visiting their Facebook page, at
Anambra Irish Professionals Association (AIPA) Ireland

AIPA Ireland is a think-tank of Nigerian professionals of Anambra State descent. The association works to identify specific projects that will engender economic growth, alleviate poverty, and empower women, youths and vulnerable groups in our society. It also strives to support professional development.
Arabesque Events Ireland
Arabesque Events Ireland is an organisation that works to promotes Arabic culture by highlighting its beauty. It is dedicated to showcasing the arts and culture of Arabic people through exhibitions, music, dance, films, food, and language. The organisation of these events helps preserve traditions and helps facilitate integration as well.
History of the Group
The history of the group all started with a song and dance show at the Ranelagh Arts Festival in 2012, called an Arabesque Night. That coincided with something called the Arabic Culture Lovers Meetup, which was set up as a network for people who wanted to meet and enjoy Arab food, speak the language and attend cultural events. On the back of those two occasions, Arabesque Events Ireland was formed.
The founders of Arabesque Events Ireland created the group because they realised what a need there was for their services in Ireland, a need that was otherwise not being filled. Arabesque Events identified three specific needs that they could address:
- A social network for newcomers from the Arab world to find others to socialise and befriend, if possible.
- To promote positiveness within the diverse Arab communities in Dublin and encourage talent.
- To invite Irish and international people to attend cultural events to share an enjoyable experience and exchange ideas.
These days, Arabesque Events Ireland arranges a host of activities and events that meet all those needs. These include:
- language exchange for learners to practice their skills
- opportunities to taste Arab cuisine
- viewings of Arab films
- literary talks/readings/calligraphy
- music gigs and dance events
- and more
The group is a non-profit organisation with 1 part-time staff member: Volunteers are always welcome, especially for the big events, such as Arabic Language Day.
Arabesque Events Ireland is also open to gaining new members, to working with other groups, and to hearing from members of the media. It also welcomes interest and information from sponsors, donations, and government or other funders.
To get in touch with Arabesque Events Ireland, please contact Rafika Rajab on (087) 903 0816 or by email at You can also find the organisation on Facebook at
Association of Botswana in Ireland
The Association of Botswana in Ireland, founded in 2015, is a community organisation that works to promote and celebrate the culture of Botswana through events, participation and representation.
Based in Dublin, Ireland, the association's main objective is to advocate for Batswana (the people of Botswana) who are living in Ireland.
Additionally, the Association of Botswana in Ireland is also focused on promoting Setswana culture to a worldwide audience. The association has observed an apparently inexhaustible appetite for the cuisine dishes, culture, tradition and dance of Botswana and is also working to create demand for Botswana's traditional music abroad.
The Association of Botswana also wishes to raise the profile of the country in a number of ways:
- by promoting the diverse culture of Batswana through cultural events
- by promoting tourism to Botswana here in Dublin
- and to attract investors to the African tourism sector
Get in touch
The association actively encourages participation from members of their community and is open to new members from across Ireland. The association is also open to working with other groups and to hearing from the media. To get in touch, telephone (089) 961 5290 or email
The Association of Botswana in Ireland also maintains a Facebook profile page, to share news, promote and brand tourism in Botswana, and to highlight tourism investment opportunities in Africa. Go to to view it.
Association of Malawians in Ireland

AMAI aims to connect Malawians living in Ireland and people of Malawi descent together through fellowship and support. The association also provides a platform for the promotion of Malawian cultural values and information exchange.
Association of Moroccans in Ireland
The Association of Moroccans in Ireland promotes the Moroccan culture in Ireland, helps facilitate the social cohesion, and helps build relationships between the Moroccan and Irish communities..
Association of Ogun State Indigenes in Ireland

The Association of Ogun State Indigenes, Ireland, a registered non-profit, local grassroots multicultural organisation dedicated to membership empowerment and to working towards the integration of their community in Ireland. It aims to encourage and promote social interaction of the Ogun State Indigenes community and other communities within Ireland, to facilitate socioeconomic and cultural integration of members, to source funding for education programs for members, and to make a positive contribution to the development of less privileged Ogun State communities.
Association of Oromo Community in Ireland (AOCI)
The Association of Oromo Community in Ireland is a community-based charity that aims to help our members to integrate into society by providing support.
Association of Spanish-speaking Parents in Ireland (ASPI)

The Association of Spanish-speaking Parents in Ireland (ASPI) is a socio-cultural and recreational organisation that was formed in 2012. It aims to promote the use of the Spanish language between parents and their children and works to encourage the transmittance of Hispanic culture and traditions. The association also seeks to contribute to the cultural diversity of Ireland, to serve as a platform to connect and integrate Irish and Hispanic communities, and to provide social networking for the Spanish-speaking community in general.
ASPI began its journey in early 2012 with the help of 10 founding members and currently has around 200 affiliated families (about 800 people).
This organisation is based in Dublin but maintains a helpful website at On the website, you can see planned activities, an FAQ for Spanish-speaking parents who are living in or moving to Ireland, and also sign up to receive email updates from the Association of Spanish-speaking Parents in Ireland.
ASPI is open to new members and to working with other groups. It also welcomes enquiries from the media.
Get in touch
To contact ASPI, please email or contact the group through Facebook by clicking here.
Association of Swahili Speakers in Europe (ASSE)
Online Swahili Language Classes for everyone
Association of Tanzanians in Ireland

The Association of Tanzanians in Ireland (ATAI) is an organisation that seeks to provide community and support for Tanzanians living in Ireland and to promotes the Tanzanian culture.
ATAI is a vibrant society of Tanzanian diaspora in Ireland with the following objectives:
- To welcome, assist and provide support to Tanzanians arriving and living in Ireland.
- To unite Tanzanian diaspora in Ireland to promote friendship, goodwill and exchange of ideas and culture among themselves and with the Irish and all communities of nations living in Ireland.
- To strengthen the participation of Tanzanian diaspora in social, communal and economic activities in Ireland.
- To assist and support Tanzanians to take proactive roles and make their contribution in social, political, cultural and economic development programs for Tanzania, Ireland and Europe.
- To create links with other national community associations with the view of promoting and celebrating cultural diversity in Ireland.
- With other African national communities, the association works to support and promote programmes that strengthen the role and leadership of African diaspora in Ireland.
- To act as a resource centre for information on Tanzania in Ireland
- To celebrate Tanzania’s important national events in Ireland.
- To organise social, cultural and political forums for Tanzanians and friends of Tanzania in Ireland.
- To establish and link Tanzanians living in Ireland with nearby Tanzania diplomatic missions, the Tanzanian government, non-governmental organisations and other associations of Tanzanian diaspora.
If you would like to get in touch with the ATAI -- whether to join as a member, to collaborate, or to learn more about Tanzanians in Ireland -- you can email directly to
You can also find the group on Facebook at
Awareness for Development
Awareness for Development works for the recognition of the African migrant community at the policy level as partners in global responses to development challenges in Africa. Their vision is of a more sustainable path to institutional capacity development for enhanced opportunities and good governance in the African sub-region. They also seek to create more awareness among diverse African communities in Ireland through networking, public education, and advocacy. Awareness for Development works through policy research, pilot project modelling, and direct impact project implementation.
Bini Community of Ireland
The Bini Community of Ireland is an NGO that promotes and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Benin people of midwestern Nigeria. It seeks to bring all Binis living in Ireland together as a community, to support its members and contribute to the the development of the Edo State, and to enhance and develop the skills of Bini people in Ireland.
Black History Month Ireland
Black History Month Ireland aims to inspire Africans in Ireland to develop plans and policies that reflect the history, culture, and socioeconomic needs of its communities and groups. It also seeks to develop and celebrate different elements of historical and cultural education profiles to promote diversity and intercultural communication.
Bosnia-Herzegovina Association of Ireland (BHAI)
The main object for which the Association is established: is to represent the Bosnian community in Ireland, to promote the cultural heritage of Bosnia-Herzegovina within the Bosnian community, and to inform the Irish public about the history and culture of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Contact:
C.A.N.I. (Comunidade Angolana Na Ireland)
The aim of C.A.N.I. (short for Comunidade Angolana Na Ireland) is to to promote the Angolan community in Ireland, to link all Angolan communities under one umbrella, and to strengthen and defend the rights of Angolan people in Ireland.
C.A.N.I. has been a member of NCP since May 2012.
Cameroon Connects
Cameroon Connects provides a community and support for Cameroonians living in Ireland.
Camfoot Dublin

Camfoot Dublin is a Cameroonian group that aims to promote football in their community and among other ethnic minorities in Ireland to lead to successful futures.
Center for Preventing Extremism and Islamophobia
This organisation works towards promoting acceptance of the Islam and also aims to prevent young Irish Muslims from becoming extremists.
City Changers International Church
City Changers International Church strives to share Christ’s mission in cities and communities around Ireland, safeguard and defend the rights of minorities and the underprivileged, to provide training services, and to empower minority communities through weekly leadership meetings.
Collectif des Amazones IvoIriennes de Dublin
Collectif des Amazones IvoIriennes de Dublin (CAID) is a group for women that provides a platform to share experiences about living abroad and educates them about various topics such as child protection services and domestic violence. It also allows members to get involved through activities and fundraises for disadvantaged Ivorian Coast communities.
Congolese Chamber of Commerce Ireland (CCCIRL)

The Congolese Chamber of Commerce in Ireland (CCCIRL) is on its way to becoming part of a leadership Network in Ireland as well as in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo or DRC for short).
CCIRL's vision is:
- to facilitate a large network of Irish-Congolese businesses in Ireland
- that Irish-Congolese businesses will be renowned for their know-how, quality and execution
- to build a bridge between Ireland and the DRC
CCCIRL's mission is:
- to promote the interests of the Irish-Congolese community in Ireland
- to be the first choice for strategic support for Irish businesses investing in the DRC
Congolese Community Ireland

The Congolese Community aims to develop a united, strong community and to foster a sense of solidarity amongst Congolese living in Ireland, and also emphasizes Congolese values and the importance of social cohesion. Additionally, the Congolese Community strives to provide representation for their members in government and to other communities and organisations.
Cork Nepalese Community

The Cork Nepalese Community promotes the Nepalese culture and preserves ethnic traditions. CNCI also focuses on attracting the foreigners to Nepal to boost tourism.
Diversity Media Ireland

Diversity Media Ireland was created to build a bridge of understanding between the people of Ireland and people from other nations who have come to call Ireland home. As a group composed of naturalized Irish people of migrant backgrounds, Diversity Media Ireland has a team of dedicated people whose main objective is to build better relations through our cultures, business, community life, and education.
Eritrean Community Network Ireland (ECNI)

ECNI is an organization dedicated to preserving the identity of culture of Eritrea in Ireland. It was founded in 2012. Its objectectives include: to facilitate and support Eritrean member integration into Irish society, to create partnerships with other communities to exchange cultures and traditions, to create links with local government authorities and NGOs to demonstrate the commitment of the Eritrean community to local policies, to organize social events and facilities to serve as a bridge for integration, and to give advice, training, and language support for Eritreans living in Ireland.
Ethiopian Community in Ireland

The Ethiopian Community in Ireland’s mission is to empower and inspire all Ethiopians in Ireland and to help and support them integrate into Irish society while maintaining their values, culture, and history.
Founded in 2015, the group, which has a main office in Dublin, is open to all Ethiopian people living in Ireland. The main purpose of the Ethiopian Community in Ireland is to sustain and celebrate Ethiopian cultural values, both for the benefit of those in Ethiopia, the new generation of children born in Ireland to Ethiopian families, and to the adopted families of Ethiopian people living in Ireland. This group also works to share its culture and community with greater Irish society.
The group works to encourage their fellow Ethiopian families and children to learn the Ethiopian culture and norms through its events. These events are a chance for every member of the community to perform and share their cultural talents in indigenous arts. The Ethiopian Community's programmes and events are usually open to everyone who would like to attend, not just members of the community.
Get in touch
The Ethiopian Community in Ireland is open to new members and would also like to hear from other community groups and media representatives who are interested in Ethiopian cultures and people. Additionally, as a group that is volunteer-led and run, the Ethiopian Community welcomes support from funders as well as those who can provide technical support or spaces for events.
If you would like to get in touch with the Ethiopian Community, you can email; phone (089) 455 4550; or find them on Facebook at You may also visit their website at
Faith and Hope Ireland
Faith and Hope Ireland works towards the welfare and social inclusion of all in Ireland, specifically seeking to help asylum seekers, the homeless, and those battling mental health issues.
Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) - Ireland Chapter

FOSIS plays an important role in helping Muslim youth and students. Their mission is to achieve a vibrant and inclusive environment for Muslim students through service, engagement, and advocacy.
Fingal Ethnic Network (FEN)

FEN was established by the Fingal Co. Community Office in 2006. It promotes awareness of issues relevant to the ethnic population of the county, aims to provide a forum where diverse groups can speak on matters relating to their well-being in Fingal, provides an inclusive voice for ethnic groups in the area, and helps to promote ways of integrating effectively in the community.
Guinean Association in Ireland
The Guinean Association in Ireland was established to:
- facilitate its members to meet
- develop and reinforce the friendship and fraternity between its members
- promote the culture of Africa and in particular that of the Guinean people
- facilitate the integration of its members into Irish communities
- defend the moral and material interest of its members
- and, in the case of a death of one of its members, to send the body of the member back to Guinea for burial
The funds of the association can be used to organise African and Guinean cultural events in Ireland; to celebrate national Guinean feasts in Ireland; to support its members' individual needs; to support local projects in Guinea; to conduct sports activities for members; and to repatriate the bodies of deceased members.
Any Guinean or foreign national without a criminal record who pledges to abide by the Association's rules and regulations can apply for membership. The application should be addressed to the President of the Assoication and must be accompanied by a non-refundable €5 membership fee.
The Guinean Association in Ireland has been an NCP member since March 2010.
Hadankai Association
The Hadankai Association works for and advocates for a more enlightened appreciation of minority cultures in the wider society, and aims to foster better community relations. It also strives to build bridges and facilitate dialogue between ethnic minorities and the receiving society and to support West African Muslims and their descendants living in reland in times of need.I
Hofann Global Initiative

Hofann Global Initiative is an independent, non-profit, organisation that promotes sustainable development through strategic partnerships and structured interventions in Nigeria, a West African subregion.
Integration of African Children in Ireland (IACI)

IACI is a national network of African Children established in 2003 with the aim of supporting the integration needs of African Children and their families now living in Ireland. It aims to give young people the opportunity to dialogue on issues that affects them, to provide an platforms for discussion and recommendations on cultural diversity, and to create the awareness and understanding of different culture.
Ireland-Mmbondo Community
Irish Community Empowerment Group (ICEG)
ICEG strives to improve education levels, reduce poverty, empower youth and women, and network to strengthen relationships with state bodies and local and international NGOs.
Julie's Kitchen
Julie's Kitchen creates catering and hospitality services jobs for young people.
KMVKA ya Bampangi ya bandundu (KBB)
This organization aims to assist asylum seekers and those trying to integrate into Irish society. It also aims to promote culture and solidarity of its members to allow for social inclusion.
Kurdish Irish Society
The Kurdish Irish society was founded in the year 2000 and is registered with the NCP over this length of time.
Latvian Society Ireland
The Latvian Society in Ireland unites the Latvian community living in Ireland through activities involving culture, education, and politics.
Malayalle Indians Ireland (MIND)
Malayalee Indians (MIND) Ireland is a voluntary community organisation established in February 2008 with a view to provide a platform for Malayalee Indians in Dublin and beyond to promote the rich culture, heritage and tradition of Malayalees (natives of Kerala, South India). The members understand that community participation is the key for integration and in order to foster community spirit, MIND organises various activities throughout the year, including cricket tournaments, badminton tournaments, family tours, family days, kids' competitions, celebrations of Thiruvonam, Christmas and New Year etc. It also organises various workshops and seminars for the benefit of its members and encourages the members to participate in the local government structures.
MIND has been a member of NCP since 2015.
Mamás latinoamericanas en Irlanda
Mamás latinoamericanas en Irlanda aims to support its members and their families to strengthen their community and to help members integrate into Irish society.
Masisizane Ltd.

Masisizane Company LTD was formed in February 2018. This community-based organisation provides key services to the people of Southern Africa in Ireland, such as funeral assistance. It also aims to promote the community & cultural diversity through social events.
Though the organisation is based in South Dublin, it is open to anyone in Ireland who meets the membership requirements. (An online membership form is available by clicking here.)
To find out more about Masisizane Ltd., you can visit the organisation's website at or on Facebook at The organisation is open to new members and to hearing from other groups who might wish to collaborate. Journalists and the media are also welcome to get in touch.
To contact Masisizane directly, email Ethel Soga at or phone (089) 488 5447.
Mauritian Network Ireland

Mauritian Network Ireland is an organisation that works to promote Mauritian culture through seminars and educational activities for children and through the provision of information.
It was set up in 2011 and endeavours to support Mauritian people throughout the island of Ireland, particularly those who are facing stressful situations. It also aims to promote the traditions and culture of Mauritius and its people in Ireland.
Mauritian Network Ireland is open to new members who are based in Ireland. It also is interested in collaborating with other groups in Ireland, to media queries and in funding and government assistance.
To get in touch with Mauritian Network Ireland, contact Padminee on (089) 613 2066 or email
You can also connect with the group on Facebook at (Please note, to see fully what the group posts, you may need to send a friend request on Facebook.)
MECUDA Ireland
Meta Cultural & Development Association (MECUDA) Ireland strives to promote the culture and literature of the Meta people and assists all newcomers of the Meta origin integrating into Irish society. They also provide various training and educational programs for Meta people and engage in fundraising activities.
Mexican Community in Cork

The Mexican Community in Cork is a community-based group whose aim is to support the integration of its members in Cork while promoting Mexican culture and traditions in the area. To this end, the group have been involved in many cultural events in Ireland, including the 2019 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Cork, Cork Jazz Festival, NCP's own Multicultural Festival, and several Mexican culture and arts events.
Based in the Cork City area, the group is open to new members from the area, as well as to hearing from other community groups and members of the media.
Get in Touch
The Mexican Community in Cork maintain a strong online presence. You can find them at their website, including a list of events that are coming up for the group. You can also find them on Facebook at or Twitter at
Alternatively, if you would like to speak to the group more directly, you can get in touch with Cecilia Gamez Campanella or Patricia Neilan on (086) 605 2294 or by email at
MIND Ireland

Malayalee Indians (MIND) Ireland is a voluntary community organisation established in February 2008 with a view to provide a platform for Malayalee Indians in Dublin and around Ireland to promote the rich culture, heritage and tradition of Malayalees (natives of Kerala, South India). The organisation emphasizes community participation to help with integration and to foster a sense of community by organising various activities, workshops, and seminars. It also encourages the members to participate in the local government structures.
Moldova Vision

Moldova Vision is a not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2006 to support the Moldovan community in Ireland through advocacy and social and cultural events. They aim to support Moldovan people and organisations, especially in rural areas, through high-quality, community-based services such as providing practical support and funding to Moldovan people and organizations, supporting disability and reintegration projects that help reduce the number of people in institutions and orphanages and working in partnership with local organisations in Moldova.
Music Fest Group
The Music Fest Group seeks to create a platform for all musically talented artists and upcoming individuals to be able to perform and share their music. They are a collection of experienced and ambitious individuals with professional and creative achievements in music.
NDE Ireland Association
NDE Ireland Association is a voluntary organisation that works with minority ethnic groups in Ireland to promote cultural identity and community integration between people of different ethnicities. They also host various events to create better relationships between different cultural groups an communities, and stress the importance of education and alleviating poverty.
Oromo Community

Founded in 2008, Oromo Community Ireland facilitates social integration into Ireland and plans a number of social and cultural events to provide a sense of community for Oromo people living in Ireland.
Overseas Chinese Service Center

The Overseas Chinese Service Center is a non-profit organisation that works towards integration by providing numerous services such as visa and citizen application assistance, legal advice, Chinese learning / educational schooling, translation and interpretation, performing groups, and medical services.
Palestinian Community Ireland
The Palestinian Community in Ireland aims to foster a sense of community for Palestinians living in Ireland through community meetings and social and cultural activities, and also engages in charitable fundraising activities.
Peru Fusion Ireland
Peruanos en Irlanda
Peruanos en Irlanda helps Peruvians who are coming to Ireland by providing them with information on employment and housing. They also provide a supportive community for members.
Peruvian-Irish Community Association (PICA)
The Peruvian-Irish Community Association (or PICA for short) is a group that was set up with the objective of promoting the culture of Peru in a number of ways: through the promotion of Peruvian gastronomy, sports, culture and folklore. PICA also works to promote the involvement of Peruvian residents in Ireland into Irish society and to help Peruvian people in Ireland to integrate.
Established in 2015, PICA has been a member of NCP since 2016.
Phoebe’s International Collaboration / Zambian and Irish Drumming Group
This group's groups aims include helping people by providing support and a sense of community and assisting disabled children through the provision of mobility assistance devices.

PhoenixRize is an Irish-based diversity and inclusion consulting practice that promotes and enacts procedures to help create a more inclusive society across Ireland. They also seek to empower women and help them see their inner power through coaching, mentoring, and training.
Established in January 2017, PhoenixRize has been a member of NCP since the same year.
Prime Advocates
Prime Advocates advocates for disadvantaged and minority communities in Ireland.
Présence Francophone en Irlande (PFI)

Présence Francophone en Irlande strives to strengthen and enrich relationships between French speakers and help convey the aspirations of Francophone communities. It also seeks to enrich cultural diversity and promote the French language.
Reformation raises awareness of the detrimental consequences textile waste has on our environment.
Roma Integration Association (RIA)
Established in 2010, the Roma Integration Association is a voluntary organization comprised primarily of Roma men and women living in Ireland. Membership is open to anyone who supports their aims and includes Roma and non-Roma people from a variety of countries.
Romanian Community of Ireland

Founded in 1998, RCI facilitates an open platform for Romanians living in Ireland as they integrate into Irish society. It provides services such as English classes for beginners, organizes social and cultural activities, and collaborates with local NGOs and actors in the public and private sectors.
Slovak Centre Ireland

The Slovak Centre is a registered non-profit, politically independent organisation that was established by a group of Slovakian volunteers in 2006. The Centre aims to unite, provide services, and represent the interests of the Slovak community in Ireland, improve the social opinion of Slovakia, develop relationships with other communities and organisations, and establish and maintain a nationwide network of volunteers and supporters.
Somali Community in Ireland
The Somali Community in Ireland was launched in 2015 as an umbrella agency to support to Somali community organisations and to provide a platform to address issues affecting the Somali community in Ireland. The core objectives are to champion the views of Somali organisations in Ireland, influence government policies through policy work and campaigns to improve the conditions of Somali communities, and support collaboration between Somali, non-Somali organisations, local authorities, and statutory bodies.
Somaliweyn Community Care
Somaliweyn Community Care aims to assist Somalis in a number of activities, including interpretation, taking members to the hospital when needed, developing social and community occupational skills, and assisting in taking and passing tests.
Southern Cameroonians Ireland
Southern Cameroonians Ireland strives to promote cultural integration and social inclusion by providing advocacy and training services.
Sudanese Association of Ireland Ltd.

The Sudanese Association of Ireland was founded in 2015 and is a legally registered association. It works to assist all Sudanese people living in Ireland and welcomes all members regardless of their political, religious, ethnic and professional orientation. The association supports the activities of women and children, assists Sudanese asylum seekers, seeks to develop the talents and skills of members, and promotes and fosters Sudanese culture and heritage in Ireland.
Sunrise Foundation

Sunrise Foundation creates awareness for and educates families and communities on diabetes, emphasizes positivity for people living with diabetes, and inspires and supports those with the disease.
Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce Ireland & Europe

One stop hub of information, knowledge, business and Investment opportunities for Tanzania & the rest of Africa. Aims to shape the supply chain between Africa & the rest of the world and become No 1 connector of markets & consumers of services and products in all business sectors such as Agriculture, Tourism, Construction, Mining, Manufacturing and more.
The Syrian Association of Ireland
The Syrian Association of Ireland is a group that was formed in 2016 to support the Syrian community in Ireland. Its aims and objectives include encouraging social progress for Syrians in Ireland, giving humanitarian aid, supporting with family reunification, and encouraging and fostering cultural integration.
The Syrian Association of Ireland became a member of NCP in February 2017.
Tres Brazilian Cultural Centre

The Tres Brazilian Cultural Centre is the first centre in Ireland dedicated to promoting the Brazilian culture and heritage.
Turkish Community
The Turkish Community is based in Cork, and helps promote Turkish culture and brings together Turks living in this region of Ireland.
Turkish Irish Education & Culture

Turkish Irish Educational and Cultural Society (TIECS) is a non-profit, multicultural organisation that was founded in 2004. Their mission is to reach out to people of different cultures, beliefs, and professions through various cultural, social, business, and educational activities to support and advance the harmony and cooperation among them. The charity has members of 35 different nationalities.
Uhuru Foundation Ireland
Uhuru Foundation Ireland launches social inclusion initiatives and provides educational programs.
Umoja (Swahili Group)
Umoja is a cultural, social, and charitable association of Swahili speaking people from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo that live in Ireland. Their objectives include to gather information to raise awareness of the social situation in Congo and emphasize the necessity to provide assistance, support Congolese living in Ireland and give them a community, help with Congolese integration into Irish society, and organize cultural activities.
United Youth of Ireland
United Youth of Ireland provides a community and plans activities for youth members of minorities communities in Ireland.
Venezuelan Community Ireland

The Venezuelan Community in Ireland (VCI), which was founded in 2017, is a group that works to support and empower Venezuelan people who are living in Ireland. The group was born from the idea of having a strong and united community of people whose vision is to work towards the integration of Venezuelan people living in Ireland into Irish society and to promote Venezuelan culture, customs, and values in the country.
The group works to positively influence the lives of the Venezuelans living in Ireland through support, plans, and activities; to provide information to community members about support and services available in Ireland that could be of benefit to them; to improve the flow of information about events, projects, and resources that could be of interest to the VCI; to encourage participation from community members in activities and projects that could promote their integration into the Irish society; and to build a unity among community members to ensure a strong ownership of the VCI.
Additionally, the organisation strives to support people in vulnerable conditions in Venezuela to improve their living situation.
Get in touch
Although it is based in Dublin, the VCI is open to any Venezuelan people living across Ireland. It is also interested in hearing from members of the media who are interested in Venezuelan people or culture.
You can contact the VCI in a number of ways. The Venezuelan Community in Ireland maintains a strong online and social media presence, including a website (; Facebook (; Instagram (; and Twitter (
You can also reach the VCI directly via email at
Youth Platform Project Ireland (YPPI)
YPPI was initiated by Young Ethnic Minority Leaders under the guidance of NCP and the Dublin City Integration Forum. This young ethnic group advocates on behalf of young migrants living in Ireland for issues relating to equality, rights, policy-making, justice, and social inclusion. They aim to provide a platform for members to articulate their issues and interests and aspire to improve the quality of life of young migrants in Ireland, particularly those who are impoverished and marginalised.
Zambia Ireland Association

The Zambia Ireland Association provides a community for Zambians living in Ireland by offering support and planning various events.
Zimbabwe Heritage Trust (Ireland)

The Zimbabwe Heritage Trust (Ireland) is a non profit making voluntary community organisation dedicated to the promotion and advancement of immigrants in Ireland purely on the principles of social enrichment & cultural integration.
The Trust has been an NCP member since May 2010.